Sunday 8 August 2010


Just ugh really.

I get it. When it comes down to it, for most people, I’m a rather shit friend. Disappearing for months/years and missing those all important events that reinforce the bond. Being familiar with all those ‘do you remember when’s. But it doesn’t mean I love them any less.

I know I’m over sensitive when it comes to rejection; I can has abandonment issues kk. But tis not all that difficult to just say ‘I’d rather we didn’t talk anymore’. I’d certainly prefer it to stewing over my potential status as unwanted person who just won’t take a hint. Certainly a worry considering how awful I can be at deciphering social cues.
I shall bravely flounder on, banging my head against disinterest until it dissipates or bangs back.


Feb 12

Huh. Social skills, my forte.
Life is good till it gets in the way
Understanding your wisdom
A game that we play
Multiple endings; chase a new day.

Not sure of your ending. the part you shall play.
this missunderstanding i fear is our shame.

Trying to flounder
thoughts cast assunder
i know not the issue

But hell. I'll miss you.

itsumo x

1 comment:

  1. At work, just wanted to post a wee comment to say I finally had a chance to come on here :)

    My main comment on post is that people are strange, try not to let them get to you too much. I say this but I too have rejection issues etc no matter how much I pretend I don't but yah.

    First read the last sentence and I imagined you banging your head and your head banged back. My brain did a double take xD

    And with that I'll shoot off to pretend I'm doing work in the sleepy fashion which has become my style of late, through actuality rather than choice.

